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tv   Fox and Friends Sunday  FOX News  August 7, 2016 3:00am-7:01am PDT

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hi, friends. good morning. it's sunday, august 7th of 2016. this is "fox and friends weekend." a fox news alert. a scary scene on a racetrack when this happened. that driver airlifted to a hospital. we will have an update on his status. and from crooked to crazy. donald trump slams hillary clinton's mental health. >> she short circuited. she took a little short circuit in the brain and she's got problems. i think that the people of this
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country don't want somebody that's going to short circuit up here. >> and the donald did not stop there. trump's latest ad that has everyone talking. >> and after hillary's e-mails, even people in her own party are having trouble trusting her. take a look at this. >> do you think hillary clinton is trustworthy? >> i'm sorry, what was that again? >> do you think secretary clinton is trustworthy? >> oh, i support hillary. >> maybe she the didn't hear the question. does anyone trust hillary? that's a question we're going to answer as "fox and friends" begins right now. hey, everybody. good morning. you see tucker is wearing a different suit than he had on yesterday. >> that's true. >> the other one got wet in the dunk tank. >> he's such a good sport. >> all of a sudden starts throwing baseballs at me and i fell into a pool of water.
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stagnant water. >> didn't you have to hit the knob and make him fall in. >> the system was rigged. you were going in no matter what. >> it was rigged. insane! >> a lot of things going on in the world today. donald trump testing out a new line of attack. hillary clinton is crazy. it's just one of many jabs the republican nominee road tested against his opponent last night in new hampshire. he told supporters she's mentally unfit for the job of president. >> our kristen fisher is live from washington, d.c. now with the very latest. good morning, kristen. >> good morning. so these new nicknames make crooked hillary almost seem nice. earlier this week trump called her the devil, then a monster, and now he says she's unstable, unbalanced, and totally unhinged. he's essentially trying to make the case that she's not mentally fit to be president, and she's doing it by using clinton's own words against her. two days ago, clinton acknowledged that she may have, quote, short circuited while trying to clarify comments about her private e-mail server. well, trump seized on that short-circuited phrase and is
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now using it in his attack ads and in speeches. and last night at a rally in new hampshire, trump said anyone who short circuits is unfit to be president. >> unstable hillary clinton. and you saw that. you saw that, where she basically short circuited. but i think that the people of this country don't want somebody that's going to short circuit up here. >> now, at that rally, trump also said that isis militants are, quote, salivating at the prospect of a second clinton in the white house. sounds similar to what the clinton campaign has been saying about trump and russian president vladimir putin. as for those new nicknames and attacks, the clinton campaign has responded with a statement. it reads in part, quote, it's unfortunate that trump's only method of dealing with his own disastrous week is to lash out with more absurd personal attacks. pretty sure it's safe to say that we're going to see a lot more of those kinds of
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statements between now and november. we've still got over 90 days to go, until election day. and that is a lot of time for trump to come up with new nicknames for clinton. >> kristin fisher, live in d.c., thank you. >> that is an ironclad prediction. >> yeah, you just said, he's road testing this one. he's called her the devil and the monster and crooked. and now crazy. and he has this brand-new ad out that's taking social media by storm. claiming that hillary clinton is not just crooked, but crazy. watc watch. >> i hope you will compare what i'm proposing to what my opponent is talking about. i'm telling you right now, we are going to raise taxes on the middle class. so i may have short circuited.
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>> that's hilarious! i think the message of this ad is that she's old and weak and that she's not vigorous enough for the job. i don't think they're really trying to argue that she's crazy, because that basically is an excuse. they would be offering up an insanity defense. >> they think she's mentally unfit. >> he used phrases, said she short circuited, totally unbalanced, has problems, lacks temperament, totally unhinged. he's been framed, unfairly for the most part, as saying, hey, he's unhinged. if you're pointing at her, saying you're unhinged, it's almost a race to the bottom. he had such a core theme with crooked hillary. it's hard to do both. >> isn't the real argument is that she knows exactly what she's doing, that she'll do anything necessary to achieve power. that she's totally calculating and has been for 30 years. that's very different than being not responsible for your action because you're like a homeless person eating imaginary insects.
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>> swatting at flies that aren't really there. a lot of people feel that way about politicians in general. is this ad effective or not effective? i think it would be more effective if it didn't have that line in there about the "we are going to raise taxes on the middle class." because so many reports have come out saying that is not what she said. they put it through a phonetics computer program, experts have come forward and say, no, she didn't say, "are going to," she said, "aren't going to." the rest was so effective, hitting her on the e-mail scandal. >> maybe the point is, she didn't know what she said. >> people are -- >> i think the most effective part of that ad is the robot point, to your point. she is hypercalculating. that's what you focus on and that's the kind of politician you're going to get. which speaks to trustworthiness. there's a new poll that came out yesterday, "washington post"/abc poll, which talks about one of the cross tabs is on trustworthiness. an interesting number came out, both clinton and trump seen as not honest and trustworthy by
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60% of the electorate. which has got to be an historically high number. >> how do you get that back, either? if your boyfriend or girlfriend cheats on you and starts bringing you mix tapes and flowers, and long love notes and whatever. if you break the mirror one time, can you ever put it back together exactly the way it was? >> mix tapes and flowers. >> so we know in the interview business, sometimes the most effective questions, the most evocative ones are the shortest and the clearest. that happened the other day on our network, watch this, as congresswoman ann kirkpatrick asked about hillary clinton. >> do you think hillary clinton is trustworthy? >> i'm sorry, what was that again? >> do you think secretary clinton is trustworthy? >> oh, i support hillary, i mean. i've taken a public stance on that. and i think she's the most qualified to lead this country. look, i mean, look, there's a lot going on. she has the experience and the knowledge to be president of the united states. >> congresswoman ann
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kirkpatrick, good luck. thank you so much. >> thank you, brook. >> but that's not what brook baldwin asked. >> the best line is, i've taken a public stance. in other words, i can't deny it. you can look it up! i support hillary. i'm not going to answer your question. it's very telling, and she's running for statewide office against john mccain and the senate race, where both have had a tortured relationship with their nominees. but this is particularly troubling, where the democratic party is supposed to have coalesced around her. if you can't answer whether your democratic nominee is trustworthy, that gets to that number and why it's so low. >> besides, democrats and republicans are both fed up with their candidates in some respects. and the american public sees them as untrustworthy. 60% tie, both hillary clinton and donald trump. is there an opening for a third party? what about the green party? jill stein will be on with us at 9:30 this morning. does she have an opening. >> that's right. she just became the official nominee on saturday at their convention. there's an interesting "new york times" article where she was
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thrilled, thrilled to be at 6% in the most recent poll. so, if 6% sends a thrill up your leg, the green party is in good shape. >> so what does she believe? >> and who could she potentially be taking votes from. >> nine minutes after the hour, some other stories that are making headlines this sunday. we'll start with this fox news alert. we showed you that video at the top of the hour. a race car driver fighting for his life right now after this horrific high-speed crash. the audience screams in horror as dirt track driver and indy racer brian fosson hits a guardrail, slips, and then is t-boned by a competitor in kansas. well, crews spent 30 minutes prying him out of the mangled metal before airlifting him to the hospital. we're told he is now in critical condition. and breaking developments overnight in the disgusting
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machete attack on two police officers in belgium. the prime minister now calling it an act of terrorism. officials say the suspect slashed two female cops, one in the face, while shouting, alew a akbar before being shot dead by police. both officers are expected to be okay. officials are now working to determine if this was a lone wolf attack or something more. and drug-laced candy from a stranger sending dozens of concertgoers to the hospital overnight. police in ohio say at least 24 people got sick from these bags of weed candy thrown into the crowd. one piece will get you high, but many people ate the entire bag. and police are now looking for their suspect, a man they say was seen wearing a marijuana leaf t-shirt. the first day of competition in the 2016 olympic games is officially in the books and the united states already has some gold. check it out, american shooter, jenny thrasher, pulling off an upset in the women's 10-meter
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air rifle event. over on the basketball court, the u.s. men's team completely dominated china, and kevin durant leading the team with 25 points in their 119-62 victory. wow! and the u.s. women's soccer team topped france. carli lloyd's goal backing the solid net minding for a 1-0 win. among today's action, michael phelps returns to the pool. those are your headlines. >> net-minding. i haven't heard that. the rules at these concerts with, if somebody throws you a bag of candy, don't eat the whole thing. >> just eat one. >> i don't know anything about that. hey, good morning! a little bit humid outside for you yesterday? did you notice? guys? guess no. >> a little bit. >> man, i thought it was crazy. it's going to get better today, across a lot of the northeast. not down to the southeast. we have a lot of rain. this is going to be an story for the entire week. we have a system developing here, could become tropical, maybe some sort of a tropical storm. nonetheless, it's going to bring a lot of rain, some spots well
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over a foot of rain, and that means kind of a prolonged flooding event. the front we saw yesterday that brought the big storms moving across the mid-atlantic into the northeast, that's clear today. far less humid. but we'll be watching this one very closely. we'll let you know if it turns tropical, but nonetheless, get ready for some flooding there. guys, send it back to you. >> thanks a million. all right. well, wikileaks is promising an october surprise for hillary clinton. >> well, we have quite a lot of material so i think we'll stagger it in different batches as we are ready to publish each batch. >> interesting. so how worriy eied should the clinton camp be and how will her party respond? and remember when meryl streep dressed up as donald trump in a play. she's not done with trump yet. hear what she has to say about his supporters. and everyone stick around. we have a big show this morning. governor mike huckabee, rudy giuliani, and dr. ben carson
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what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! well, could an october cybersurprise prove problematic for hillary clinton's presidential campaign? more than 19,000 e-mails have been released so far by wikileaks. all of them from the dnc. those led to the ouster of several democratic party officials. now the website is saying it's going to send out more as the election approaches. watch. >> do you expect -- i know you can't comment directly about the pending releases from wikileaks, but do you expect more from the clinton foundation? >> yes. >> do you believe she can win given the e-mails you've so far -- >> can she win the election? that's a very interesting
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question. i wouldn't be willing to say so far. the evidence that the fib has is not for a grand jury to indict. >> that's julian assange. the question is, what would the clinton campaign do if more shocking revelations are made public by wikileaks and how is the white house bracing for another e-mail dump, assuming one is on the way. democratic strategist chuck rowka joins us now. he's been around and he has perspective. so how ominous is this for the hillary campaign? >> so, when you run campaigns, and i just came off a presidential campaign, as you know, tuck, you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars doing research, not only on your opposition, but on yourself. because what you don't want any any campaign, for any party, is a surprise. because you can't get out ahead of it fast enough, as we come into 94 days before the election, to actually create a narrative to make sure that it don't stick to you, whatever may come out. so it's the worst nightmare for
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any party, and especially someone whose trustworthy numbers are as low as hillary's are right now. >> i don't think people should be gloating about this, because people's e-mails should be secure. the u.s. government should be protecting them, they're not. this is a nightmare for everyone who sends e-mail. on the other hand, is the justified in blaming russia for this, attempting to divert attention to a foreign government, and away from the content of e-mails itself. >> whether it's right or wrong, it's campaign tactic 101. when you run this, you want to shift and you want to pivot. you want to put the focus on someone else, whether you're her or donald trump. you want to be able to pivot and say, it's not me. look at all this crazy stuff going on over here. look at the shiny object. that's campaigning 101. you're supposed to stay on your message. >> we're about the same age, chuck. we both grew up in a world where democrats were constantly accusing republicans of red baiting, using russia as a scare tactic to crush dissent. all of a sudden the world seems
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to have flipped around and the democratic party is warning us about how dangerous russia is. what is that? >> i think that's funny. on friday, a group i work for, a nonprofit group, loosely tied to clinton's campaign got hacked. and the first thing i saw was a political article, they had already got out in front of this, they had already created a political article, don't open any e-mails from me. that's getting in front of that. i think as the american people get closer to election day, they want facts. they want to figure out who they want to be, whether it's trump or whether it's hillary. and i think all this sideline stuff is nonsense. i think we should make it on facts that are out there. >> final question, i wonder if this stuff will have an affect on hillary, though, in the end, because is there anyone who's voting for hillary because they believe that she's trustworthy and honest? >> that's interesting that you say that. i think there are two huge pockets of people out there. lots of people who don't trust hillary, and lots of people who don't like donald trump. what we find with targeting, there's not a very big middle out there, of undecideds on
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either one. it's a super small sliver of the american electorate right now of what we call undecided. >> it must be pretty small. i haven't even met one. >> there's not many. >> chuck rocha, thanks a lot this morning for that perspective. >> thank you. he's the radical cleric who inspired the attack on ft. hood. now anwar al awlaki has just inspired terrorism here at home. details, coming up. plus, one of the summer's biggest blockbusters is in theaters now. isn't -- >> bad guys, worst of the worst. >> he's a crocodile and he heats people. and she's just crazy. >> the movie is called "suicide squad." sure, it's a cheery name, but is it worth your money? kevin mccarthy's review, coming up. i'm just a guy who wants to buy that truck.
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back with some quick headlines. new overnight, jailed former athlete oscar pistorius is rushed to the hospital with cuts to his wrist. but the south african olympian is denying reports of hurting himself. instead, claiming he fell out of bed. pistorius is serving a six-year jail sentence for killing his girlfriend. and a terrible tragedy. two skydivers fall to their deaths after their parachute did not open. their bodies found in a california vineyard. one of them, just 18 years old, was driving -- was diving for a friend's birthday. his deadly jump was set up by a popular skydiving school in the state's central valley.
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too bad there, for sure. they're bad guys. worst of the worst. >> guy shoots people. east a crocodile and he eats people. burns people. and she's just crazy. >> trying to ease you out of bed this morning with that one. "suicide squad" in theaters this weekend and it's already broken august box office records, but is it really worth a watch for your money? >> the best line, she's just crazy. kevin mccarthy not crazy, a fox news contributor, and he has seen this film. kevin, good morning. how is it? >> good morning to you guys. pete, last time i saw you, you and i were rocking out and dancing to vanilla ice in new york city. >> it's true. good to see you again. >> by the way, since it's 6:00 a.m. in the morning, i had to rock out my joker chuck taylors. and i didn't realize i accidentally put on my spock socks, too. so i'm combining universes here with "suicide squad" and "star
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trek". >> that's illegal in some states. the movie is directed by david air, who also wrote "training day." the concept is you have a group of super villains who were put together by a secret government agency to try to save the world. the movie has been getting some very, very harsh reviews, and i feel like they are overly negative in my opinion. there are some very positive things about this film. but also some very negative things. on the positive side, i think that the cast is incredible. jared leto is amazing as the joker. will smith is phenomenal. as is viola davis. on the positive side, the first act is great. the sound track is great. the cinematography is great. the action is great. on the negative side, the villain, enchant reress is terrible. the third act has some major, major problems. it's a decent film. i gave it a 3.5 out of 5. jared leto, who plays the joker
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in the movie, stayed in character the entire production, so much so that will smith recently said he did not meet jared leto until three weeks ago, after working with him for six months. he was always the joker on set. and he actually sent some very disturbing gifts to the cast, including some very hard things that we cannot mention on the air. here's some of the gifts he sent. and also, remember, one of these actresses, it's her first movie ever and she had to bring it home to her parents. watch this. >> he sent me a dead pig. i was like, hey, man, listen, i'm just acting. >> where's your live rat? like, is it -- did you name it? >> he's a snake, disappears. you know -- >> gave dead shot a briefcase full of bullets. it was kind of a message. it was kind of a threat. it was kind of a reminder, you know, there are some crazier ones and some nicer ones that i gave. i think cupcakes. >> let me say, those are the pg
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ones that he gave to the cast. if you want to see the uncensored ones, i'll tweet them out on my twitter, but it was a pretty interesting set, because david air would also say some pretty horrific things to the cast before they would shoot a scene to get them into an emotional mind-set. it's a pretty interesting production if you want to follow that. i gave it a 3.5 out of 5. it is a mid-credit scene you definitely want to stay for, but do not see it in 3-d imax. see the 2-d version of the movie. >> why all the bad reviews from the other people? are they just trying to get internet traffic? >> it's an interesting question, it really is. because i was a fan of "batman versus superman," i didn't love the theatrical version, but i liked it. that movie got crushed as well. i know a lot of critics, i'm friends with a lot of critics. i think there's some element of click bait out there, where you put a headline that drives traffic to your site. i don't think the movie is anywhere near as bad as everyone says it is. and i'm reading a lot of twitter reviews. fans are loving it.
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i'm not saying it's perfect. it has some major, major problems, but i did enjoy it. >> remember, the cast ran on broadway for over ten years, so obviously critics aren't always right. >> and i'm a critic. this is my job. everyone is entitled to their opinion. >> we trust yours, kevin. thanks for joining us this morning. >> that is interesting. sending dead animals. i might start screaming at you guys to get motivated in the morning. >> our director is not like that as always. >> not always. he yells at me sometimes. the obama administration says the v.a. is back on track after two years of scandal. but then we find out they've spent nearly $20 million on art. i guess that's art. art like this. the founder of the watchdog group that uncovered this outrageous spending joins us just ahead. plus, we've got a loaded up for show you. mike huckabee, rudy giuliani, and brns all here live. up next, hillary clinton wants donald trump to make his clothes in this country. >> i really would like him to
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explain why he paid chinese workers to make trump ties. this is one of them. it's got his name on it, of course. >> see that pantsuit she's wearing. we found the child laborerers who made it. just kidding. but we'll tell you where it was made, coming up. routine. it's a hard thing to break. day in, day out.
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. everybody, this is what you've been waiting for. whoa! >> it was actually steve who did that to you. >> i literally had no idea. i was staring at eric boling and the next thing i know, i was in the pond. >> eric boal welcome the professional baseball player. >> if he had another shot, he would have got him. i put a few shots in early with the super soaker and i thought, there's no way turker is staying dry. >> i walked all the way back to my place yesterday, two blocks barefoot, in my socks, in a wet suit and no one noticed. i was the least weird person on the street. >> that's the first time you've had that experience. that happens to me every week d weekend. so often when we do these mud runs and things, i get in, and
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like, is it okay? yeah, sure. so hillary clinton has been hitting trump on the road recently for making a lot of the products he makes not in the united states. watch this. >> i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> has a line of clothing. now, where were these made? >> i don't know where they were made, they were made some place. but they're great. ties, shirts, cuff links. they're doing great. >> where were the shirts made? >> bangladesh. >> it's good. >> ties? where are the ties made? the ties are made where? in china? ties are made in china. >> oh, no. and hillary clinton, you know, she's been out on the campaign trail. she went to a place called knotty ties, a company that manufactures ties, anyway, here in america. and then you've got the hashtag, made here, made with her, or something like that, that's been taking storm.
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but during one of those press conferences, a reporter for "the hill," brian crabtree noticed this. clinton was wearing one of her pantsuits which range in price from $3,000 to $15,000, usually made by armani, ralph lauren, or susanna beverly hills, and the clothing manufacture most of them in bangladesh, india, andvy la sri lanka. >> if you manufacture your clothes in sri lanka and are5,0 what's your margin on that? that seems a lot, no? >> i've never had a $15,000 pantsuit. >> i would also say -- neither have i. knotty ties, you know who they employ for the most part? refugees? so even the facade of what she presented was not an accurate one. and donald trump's been up-front about it. he said, i play by the rules as they exist. the corporate tax plan in america is ridiculous. he's owned it from the beginning. that's why his tax plan, which we're going to talk about later
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today, drastically reduces the corporate tax rate. the companies are actually incentivized to come here and make things here. of course, but, businessmen are businessmen. that's what he runs -- >> the whole thing is so depressing. leaving aside either one of these candidates. for the last 20 years, it doesn't matter that the u.s. doesn't make much anymore. the global economy sustains all of us and we shouldn't worry about it. and we feel we've lost something. if you don't make anything, that's not good. i think a lot of people have gotten rich from it, but i don't think it enhances the lives of a lot of people. >> a lot of the american flags you see, it has a little sticker on it that says, made in china. 37 minutes after the hour. like a scene out of the movie, "jaws," a reef of great white sharks spotted off the coast of cape cod. the sharks forcing the beach to
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shut down. this video taken days before yesterday's incident. officials now warning people to be aware of their surroundings. even after they reopen. oh, boy. and a detroit man is under arrest this morning on weapons charges. police finding an arsenal of weapons, explosives, and ammunition inside 29-year-old sebastian gregerson's home and possibly a clue tying him to al qaeda. cds marked with the name of anwar al awlaki, who was linked to several terror attacks. al awlaki e-mailed with the ft. hood shooter and had contact with three of the 9/11 hijackers. she hasn't been shy about her dice like for the donald, even donning his signature -- oh, hairdo, at this point. as you see here. and now actress meryl streep is doubling down on her criticisms of the republican nominee, telling the wrap, quote, i just keep thinking, what's wrong with half of everybody? what is wrong? she went on to say, she was relieved knowing only a few americans actually voted in the
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primary election. brett favre leads a class of eight members into the pro member hall of fame. giving an emotional speech about his late father. >> and i said to myself, i will make it to the hall of fame. that i would make it to the hall of fame, so i could acknowledge the fact of how important he was. >> well, favre is the 25th quarterback to be immortalized in the hall of fame. and those are your headlines. >> yes, they are! and now we go to rick. he's got a summer college associate that is helping him with the weather. >> in great "fox and friends" tradition, we always let our interns go weather our sports. and when they choose the weather, it is way harder than sports. it is. >> absolutely. >> you're not even a journalism student. you're a pr and marketing student. so she is extra brave to do
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this. are you ready to tackle the weather? >> i am ready. >> all right, throw up the weather maps. and you're going to do it. the first story we have going on. tell us about it. >> okay, so over here in the gulf we're experiencing a little bit of disturbance. we're definitely going to be seeing a lot of flooding. if you're in the area, definitely keep a lookout for the flooding and get your umbrellas out. >> there you go! so what about today? >> so over here in the northeast, it's sunny. in atlantic city, we're looking at 89. in richmond, we're looking at 88. and there's going to be a little bit of rain in the richmond area. >> mm-hmm. and just to the south? >> over here in the south, in tampa, we're 83, but there's definitely going to be rain, in jackson, 92. but rain as well. and over here in texas, we're still looking at 98-degree weather. it's still very hot. >> and it is summer. and the northern plains, what's happening? >> it's sunny, it's sunny and over in the lincoln area, we're
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going to be experiencing some rain! >> there you go! and finally, you live in southern california. >> i do! and it's sunny and beautiful, as always over in yuma, we're experiencing 111, so it's going to be really hot. over in pueblo, we're experiencing 90-degree weather and it's generally pretty beautiful on the west coast. >> you were afraid, and adeline, you just nailed that! >> thank you. >> that was amazing. >> thank you, thank you. first time in new york city. coming to new york city to fox to do an internship from southern california. >> yes, yes. >> you are a brave woman. >> thank you. >> adeline estrada, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> well done! well, the obama administration is proud to announce it has settled thousands of syrian refugees in the u.s. just this month. but the real story here is where they're going to live. we're going to tell you, coming up. plus, hillary clinton's message to the largest police union in the united states. thanks, but no thanks. i'm in vests and as a vested investor in vests,
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but you are exactly what i'm looking for. [narrator] your company could be missing out on the candidates it needs most. learn how to find a great pool of untapped talent at hello, friends. fire up the coffee pot and fire up your sunday morning with some quick headlines. they represent nearly half of all the cops in country, but hillary clinton isn't giving the biggest police union in america the time of day. the order of police said the will candidate didn't go for their endorsement and isn't even talking to them. and democratic chairwoman, debbie wasserman shultz under fire again about a video joe biden made for her daughter's bar mitzvah. >> admittedly, i'm in love with her daughter.
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who i wanted to go to her bar mitzvah, couldn't go. so i sent a film. >> that happened just one day before wasserman shultz, she completely denied there was a video at all. now clarifying by saying she didn't ask him to make it. >> pete and tucker? >> thanks a million. well, new data from the state department revealing a new surge of syrian refugees entering the u.s. 2340 syrians arrived in america last week. it's part of the bornobama administration's goal to take in 10,000 refugees by the end of the summer. the question is, where are they living? the data shows that most are resettling in communities far, far away from the washington elites who put them there, not surprisingly. our next guest says that's no accident at all. joining us, one of the great reporters in washington, caitlin collins of the daily caller. good morning, caitlin! >> good morning! thanks for having me. so you're telling me the obama administration is moving these syrian refugees into places where members of the obama administration don't live?
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>> can you believe that? it's a great question for the state department. these guys love to say that they want refugees in their country, they just don't want them living in their neighborhood. almost all the syrian refugees who have been resettled in virginia are living in low-income, high-poverty communities hours and hundreds of miles away from wealthy d.c. suburbs. that's not a coincidence. these people are living in cities like newport news, virginia, for example, which has 182,000 people that live there, and a median household income of $51,000. that's well below the state average. but this community is expected to bear the burden of a decision that white house officials made. >> we showed the map there. we've got the three cities there, none of which are in northern virginia, near washington, d.c., as you point out, very clearly, through some very good reporting. what's the rationale? what is the state department -- do they have any explanations as to why these locations as opposed to, say, wealthy area
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areas? >> there's no explanation. it's very obvious they don't want them living anywhere near where they live near d.c. so they're putting this burden on these communities. and how is that fair to those people in those neighborhoods? don't they have a right to say where these people should live? it's great for these policy makers to make these decisions and they don't have to live with the consequences. >> well, you see with this all kinds of policies. hillary clinton doesn't want you to have a gun, but of course her bodyguards are very heavily armed. i wonder, did they solicit the opinions of people in newport news and charlottesville until they moved the refugees into their neighborhoods? did they ask them? >> of course not. of course not. and these people aren't happy about it. how would you feel if you're in a city of 180,000 and you have 51 syrian refugees who come to live with you? a poll shows that 69% of republicans favor some type of temporary ban on muslim immigration. i think that's a legitimate concern that the state department needs to address. >> i'm sure if you look at the polling, it's inverse of who actually wants refugees here versus northern virginia and the rest of virginia, but that's
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where they place them, of course, because the elites know better than us. not just guns, but walls. >> so they get to feel virtuous, and the rest of us take up the consequences. caitlin collins, thanks for doing that this morning. >> thank you. the obama administration says the v.a. is back on track after two years of scandal. but then we find out they've spent nearly $20 million on, get this, art. for the blind. details, next. >> you can't make that up. >> i'm helping you up. we're just getting warmed up this sunday morning. now we're going into overdrive with mike huckabee, rudy giuliani, and ben carson. all of them join us, coming up.
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good morning. 8 minutes before the top of the hour. just last week president obama told veterans that there are no more wait times and he tauted the progress his administration has made with the va. >> working together over these past eight years we've delivered real progress for our veterans. since i've taken office we've made historic increases in veterans funding. the biggest boost in decades. altogether in my presidency, we will have increased funding for veterans by more than 85%. >> that's true. if there's one thing president obama has done well at the va is spend money. where has that money been going in a new report out by a watchdog group called open the books says in the last eight years as veterans were dying on secret wait lists the va spend nearly 20 million, yes, $20 million on art. >> we're here to explain the co-founder and ceo of open the
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books adam estes. both his father and grandfather are veterans. >> thank you very much for our interest in our work. >> it sounds troubling. explain how all of this money could be going to something like art when veterans were dying while waiting for care. >> well, putting this in perspective, since 2004 our honorary chairman is dr. tom coburn, the former u.s. senator. when he was in the senate he did an oversight report and he found that up to 1,000 veterans died over a ten-year period while simply waiting to see a doctor. when we looked at the artwork procurement from the va during this period, we found $20 million spent on artwork, the majority ofbout $18 million, came after 2009. so we found artificial christmas trees priced like cars and sculptures that cost more oftentimes than five bedroom homes. >> interesting. so i'm a big fan of what you've
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done at open the books. a lot of this art is coded as furniture, hidden in the code in the bureaucracy. does the va want us to know this or see this? is this something they're open about or are they spending lavishly hoping we won't recognize? >> right, a lot of the oversight it was difficult to find the $20 million. first off, we found $5 million as you mentioned hidden as furniture payments. now one of the worst examples that we found was in a palo alto center that serves blind veterans we found two sculptures commissioned by that unit for a total of $670,000, blind veterans can't see fancy sculptures and i think every veteran, and right now there's a half a million -- >> hold on, their family and friends could. their family and friends would be able to. i don't know if that's fair. if the artwork was going to be used at the va, wouldn't it be helpful if maybe some of the
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artists were veterans themselves? >> well, we think that the policy change going forward, u.s. senator mark kirk has called for an immediate moratori moratorium, stop spending money on the pricey artwork, we advocate a new policy, it's a common sense policy. veterans should benefit. nobody tells the veterans story better than a veteran. we found national museums dedicated to veteran art and veterans should be the ones with their story, with their artwork in the va medical centers. i just think it's common sense and va secretary agrees. >> there's so much artwork and creative investments that you can get. the huge rock sculpture cost 1.2 to be purchased and installed. they may appreciate that, but i'd rather have a timely health care appointment. adam, thank you very much for opening up the books on the va and we'll continue to follow your work. >> super. thank you for our interest in
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our work. gov noor mike huckabee joins us. >> round two. like i couldn't be the father that i wanted to be. now i use depend. i can move the way i really want. unlike the bargain brand, new depend fit-flex underwear is now more flexible to move with you. reconnect with the life you've been missing. get a free sample at reconnect with the life you've been missing. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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and going for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. hi, friends. good morning, sunday, the 7th of august. i'm anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. a race car driver is fighting for his life after this frightening crash. a scary moments on the track just ahead. and from crooked to crazy. have you heard donald trump's new description of hillary clinton? >> she took a literally short circuit in the brain and she's got problems. >> got problems. and he went on from there.
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governor mike huckabee joins us live to react to that in moments. and democrats better get ready for the october surprise. the founder of wikileaks issues a new threat to the clinton camp. both my colleagues are e-mailing right now because we're ready to talk to you. mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ still playing knockerball. we did this last summer. we're doing it again. >> oh. >> who wouldn't want to go up against rick. >> i wouldn't either. he is the toughest weather man. >> he's the only person i've ever met that has no socks. when you do that you have to have bear feet, you really do.
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>> good morning, everybody. >> there's a lot going on this morning and there is no better man to assess it all for us than former governor mike huckabee, our long-time friend and guest. great to see you this morning. you did a great job on "hannity" the other night. it's great to be with you this morning. >> you've seen, i have no question, the new trump attack on hillary clinton. first she was crooked, now she's crazy. here's part of what he's saying. >> unstable hillary clinton, and you saw that. you saw that where she basically short circuited? she said -- she did -- it wasn't a press conference because that's around 250 days but it was in front of some friendly reporters. they asked her a very easy question and she short circuited. she used the term short circuit. she took a literally short circuit in the brain, but i
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think that the people of this country don't want somebody that's going to short circuit up here. >> so i think this is hilarious, but i'm concerned for his campaign that maybe it's not the right tactic. it essentially provides an insanity defense for her behavior, does it not? >> i think you've got a side issue, crazy like edward norton in "primal fear" or kevin spacey in "the usual suspects" are more like the three faces of eve. what trump is saying it's more like that deceptive crazy like a fox in that she's always going to say, gee, i just didn't know what i was saying. i just was talking past chris wallace in that interview the other day. the one thing we get out of all of this, is that from now until november we're going to have a very entertaining campaign because donald trump is fun to watch. i think that's one of the parts of donald trump i hope doesn't
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change. now it's going to be unpredictable. there are going to be some bumps in the road but he isn't so programmed. look at hillary. it's like watching a very carefully programmed robot stand up there in front of those reporters. >> governor, a lot of democrats are disenchanted with clinton, a lot of republicans are disenchanted with donald trump. we have some new numbers on how honest and trustworthy they are. 67% of registered voters believe hillary clinton isn't honest and trust worthy and 60% for trump. >> keep in mind, the press has done everything they can to destroy trump's trust worthiness when he is telling the absolute truth. even when they verify what he says is the truth. on the other hand, you have hillary who has been shielded and protected. i mean, the press has become her helicopter parent and so, therefore, they are always making sure that she's presented
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in the best light and that's one of the challenges donald trump faces going into these next few months is recognizing as he wakes up every day, he has to remind himself the press is not my friend. >> well, absolutely, governor. you talk about the press and we have highlighted the press h has -- she held press conference in front of reporters. they put together the tough, hard-nosed questions that were asked in this faux press conference. i want to play a montage of that and get you to react to that. >> madam secretary, your poll numbers went way up this week and yet the e-mail controversy was still in the headlines. i want to give you the opportunity to respond. today you were endorsed by former cia director michael morell. he says trump can't be trusted. do you agree with that? >> what was the most meaningful conversation you've had. >> your poll numbers have been
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up, you've been endorsed. that's the hard question. >> that's really tough. let me tell you something, the captain of the cheerleaders hasn't ever been tipped as clearly as hillary was in that so-called press conference. that wasn't a press conference, it was a slobber fest. it was absolutely an unbelievable -- and the applause that hillary was given for some of her answers to the president i'm thinking, i've done hundreds of press conferences in my life. i don't ever recall getting applause from the media ever in my life. >> sometimes, frankly, by gosh, i should, but i didn't, ever. >> what happens when this ends? campaigns are coming to an end. let's say trump wins. there are columnists who write trump is immoral. will they accept him as the president? sincere question? >> i think they will.
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part of it is because they have so little confidence in the major institutions of the day, whether it's the media, government, or the financial world and those institutions that normally have been sort of the underpinning of our culture, society and civilization are no longer trusting. people know that they've been ganged and run over by this. that's why you had bernie sanders and donald trump gathering such large crowds with such enthusiasm. people, they're not just displeas displeased, they're not unhappy, they're in a seathing rage because they see what the institutions have done to them rather than do for them and as a result i think it's the media that's going to come out on the short end of the stick and their credibility already deeply damaged will be utterly destroyed if they continue on this track. >> governor, you're right, the elite media are in with elite politicians who live different lives and tell us different things than what we've seen. donald trump has been talking about crooked hillary, now sort of the crazy, unbalanced piece. he's been caught in some rabbit
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trails. where does he go to go forward to close the poll numbers that aren't where he wants them to be. >> if i were talking to him today, i would say trump is on the fact that the people of america are hurting and that hillary can't and won't fix their problems because she's helped create them. an outline in which her participation in everything from the government double speak to the way that the financial community has run over these people. that's who funds her to talk about the way that their jobs have been lost and her attacks on them, everything from the energy industry all the way to protecting ourselves by having firearms and her not wanting us to. her being surrounded by this for 40 years. in other words, put the focus on why people are angry. donald trump is good at doing that. when he does that he wins. then remind them the reason they're in trouble is because of the people like hillary who have used government to get rich at
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the expense of hard working american taxpayers. >> governor, national polls, some of them have a spread of 10 points between the two candidates. washington post poll shows them 8 points apart with hillary clinton in the lead. we knew that clinton would get a bounce from the dnc, trump would get a bounce from the rnc. what do you think after the endorsement of ryan, ayotte and mccain? we haven't seen any polls out? will he get a bump? he's been back on message the past few days. >> yeah, i think so. he had a bad week. no doubt about that. we all understand it. i thought friday night he really turned a corner. things started looking like the donald trump that we know, the donald trump that we are supporting and i felt like that it was a seminole event in the campaign. yes, the democratic convention was a bouncy house for hillary, but it doesn't matter because i go back to michael dukakis was up by 17 points at this stage in 1988 and we all remember the wonderful administration of
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president dukakis. so message to hillary, stay out of tanks with funny looking helmets. >> no, go get in a tank. let us see you in a tank. that's a picture we need to see. >> governor mike huckabee. thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> great to see you. weather stories making headlines at ten minutes past the hour. fox news alert. a race car driver fighting for his life after a horrific high-speed crash. the audience screams in horror as a three-time indy 500 starter brian clausen hit the guardrail, flipped and is t-boned by a competitor on a kansas dirt track. crews spent 30 minutes before prying him out. he is in critical but stable condition at this hour.
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breaking developments overnight in the disgusting machete attack on two police officers in belgium. the prime minister there now calling it an act of terror. officials say the suspect slashed two female cops, one of them in the face, all while shouting alou akbar. they're working now to determine whether this was a lone wolf attack or something more. former athlete oscar pistorius is rushed to the hospital with cuts to his wrist. the south african paraolympian is denying hurting himself. he's serving a 6 year service for killing his girlfriend reeva steenkamp on valentine's daze day in 2013. is a rod on his way out? they're set to hold a mysterious press conference before the game. 41-year-old rodriguez has gotten
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little playing time since losing the designated hitter hitle. what about the weather? >> mr. soccer ball himself. >> i finally caught my breath. trust me. i'm in good cardio shape. take a look at the weather map as you're waking up. across the southeast and southern plains, a really hot day going to feel like pushing 110 but all across the south eyes it's hot. it will cool down this week across parts of florida and georgia. some spots by the end of the week well over a foot of rain. that means big flooding concern going on especially targeting northern parts of florida. we'll keep you posted on that. guys, hand it back to you. >> we appreciate it. all right. well, e-mails released by wikileaks already took down debbie wasserman schultz. could hillary clinton next? >> do you believe she can win
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given the e-mails you've so far -- can she win the election? >> that's a very interesting question. >> new details from as tucker describes them, the creepiest man in the world, julian assa e assange. hillary clinton's press conference and donald trump's support of paul ryan. what were they thinking. coming up next. ♪ americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you it takes all kinds of jobs. and the best place to find the job that's right for you ♪
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julian assange vows to release new e-mails. many democrats fearing it could lead to a surprise. >> kristen fisher is live from washington, d.c. >> reporter: julian assange has been saying for some time that he has more documents about clinton and that he's planning on releasing them sometime before election day. well, now he's given a new interview to rt, that's a television network funded by the russian government in which he repeats his plan for an october surprise. here's a clip. >> do you expect that -- >> i'm not going to comment about the pending releases from wikileaks. do you expect more from the clinton foundation? >> yes. >> do you believe she can win given the e-mails you've so far -- >> can she win the election? >> that's an interesting question. i wouldn't be willing to say so far. >> now wikileaks has already made waves this election cycle by releasing all the internal
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e-mails from top dnc official alzheimer's which led to the ouster of former dnc chair woman debbie wasserman schultz but it's not just democrats that are worried about wikileaks. republicans are too. assange said he's working on obtaining trump's tax returns. >> why don't you hack into donald trump's tax returns. >> we're working on it. >> well, that got everybody fired up so assange is now claiming that he was just kidding. his organization posted on twitter, quote, wikileaks isn't working on hacking trump's tax returns. claim is a joke from a comedy show. we are working on encouraging whistleblowers, but many people, both republicans and democrats are now openly wondering if he's trying to influence a u.s. presidential election. anna, tucker and pete. >> live from washington. thanks a million. >> creepy, creepy individual. >> is there anyone more unclean than julian assange.
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>> i have a classified file on you. i will release it. >> where's the u.s. government in this? >> the idea that your tax returns, yours, mine, trump's, hillarys are vulnerable, that's creepy. >> you shouldn't have your own home cook brewed server as well. >> they're doing opposition research on their own candidate just in case getting their talking points ready. >> for sure. what was going through hillary's mind when she said this? >> so i may have short circuited and for that i, you know, will try to clarify. >> we don't know because we're not psychiatrists, but dr. keith ablo is and he'll bring the full diagnosis next. my friends, who says donald trump isn't a fan of babies? turns out what happened last week was blown out of proportion including the mother. she speaks out this morning. i have asthma...
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good morning, my friends. 7:23 is the time east coast. time for the news by the numbers. first up, 31, that's how many suspected isis terrorists have been arrested in the united states in the past year alone. the crimes range from joining a terror group to planning to kill american soldiers. 2.67 trillion dollars is the amount of money the feds will have collected in taxes. record high. $40 million, that's how much "secret soldiers of benghazi"
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grossed with the release. >> none of you has to go. we are the only help they have. >> the film getting a boost amid renewed criticism about clinton's involvement in the attack. thanks, than. well, it was a very busy week for the presidential nominees. donald trump and hillary clinton. trump publicly endorsed paul ryan after refusing to do so in an interview a few days before while hillary clinton admitted she may have, quote, short circuited in remarks over her e-mail scandal. what was the thought process behind these headlines? >> fox news medical a. team dr. keith ablo is here to explain. doctor, we had to get your analysis on this. first, hillary clinton, we've got a bit of an e-mail scandal. she's trying to clarify it. we're going to play the clip and get you to get inside her head on what she's saying here. here's hillary clinton. >> sounds good. >> what i told the fbi, which he said was truthful, is consistent with what i have said publicly. so i may have short circuited,
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and for that i, you know, will try to clarify because i think, you know, chris wallace and i were probably talking past each other. >> what do you make of it? >> well, listen, if you are a political animal and you don't have regard for the truth, you might short circuit because she is very familiar with spinning tall tales. she did it -- she's done it with her husband's affairs, she's done it with benghazi, she's done it with her e-mail server, she's done it with the clinton foundation, she's done it all the way back to her real estate deals. she doesn't know where she is anymore. a short circuit is when you're running current through something and the circuit won't hold it. it won't hold her lies. that may be the first truth i've heard her say lately. >> can you get into the minds of voters? that's how many explanations she's tried to explain away.
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>> the only way voters can stand behind hillary clinton is that they are blinded by the notion, number one, they have a female. number two, they like the name clinton. she has blood on her hands. she lied to federal authorities. that's going to be your president. that has to only be because you love the brand. a trump tie is one thing, a clinton presidency, that's made on the moon, never mind overseas. >> so donald trump this weaken doorsed paul ryan, speaker of the house in his primary race, which is on tuesday. a lot of people thought that wouldn't happen. here's trump doing it. watch. >> but i need a republican senate and a house to accomplish all of the changes that we have to make so i embrace the wisdom that my 80% friend is not my 20% enemy. but we will disagree as friends
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and never stop working together toward victory. >> sounds like someone reading marriage vows. what do you make of that? >> you know, it sounds to me like someone telling people the truth. i'm not 100% in love with this guy. he's not 100% in love with me. he waited to endorse me and it sticks in my draw. donald trump is a business person. if you cross him or you don't agree that a building should be built or a company should be run the way he does, he tells you. that's what the american people fundamentally have to decide. do you want a leader who tells the truth and sometimes is irrasable or do you want a liar who continually hides the truth, may not know the truth and short circuits when trying to hide the truth. donald trump doesn't know how to hide the truth. listen, i'm not crazy about the guy.
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20% of me thinks he's crazy but 80% says i need a democratic house. he's learning it. >> that contrast is as goods of an articulation or description of the two worlds in which those two candidates inhabit. we appreciate it. >> thank you. all right. well, we still have a big show on tap this morning. america's mayor, rude did i gy and ben carson join us live. visit your nearest abortion clinic. planned parenthood is sponsoring voter registration. who's going to benefit from that? we'll bring it to you next. >> who do you think? knockerball round two is coming up live on the plaza. ♪ ♪
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4:31 am
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♪ ♪ ♪ round 2 next up. get in on the action. >> rip roar coming for you. >> the balls are 18 to 22 pounds apiece. you fill them up with air with just a regular old pump.
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you can knock anybody you love or anybody you hate. >> we shall see. i'm going to take on a lot of grievances out there. >> all right. you head on out there. i have headlines to read. >> 33 minutes after the hour. i'm going to start with this one. drug laced with -- drug-laced candy from a stranger sent dozens of concert goers to the hospital overnight. police in ohio say at least 24 people got sick from these bags of weed candy. one piece will get you high but a lot of people ate the entire bag. police are now looking for the suspect, a man they say was seen wearing a marijuana leaf t-shirt. a man is under arrest on weapons charges. police finding an arsenal and weapons inside 29-year-old sebastian gregor son's home and a clue tying him to al qaeda. cds marked with the name of slain terror group leader anwar al awlaki who was linked to
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several attacks. he had contact with three of the 9/11 hijackers. the presidential ticket is set officially nominating jill stein at its convention yesterday. she faces a near impossible uphill climb but isn't holding back on claiming her opponents. >> republicans have become the party of hate fear-mongering. the democrats are deportation and outrage. >> she joins us at 9:30 to tell us about her face-off. remember the baby donald trump reportedly kicked out of eyaly. the child's mother says, that isn't the case at all. >> the biggest in the world, the chinese banks. don't worry about babies, i love babies. i hear that baby crying, i'm
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like -- ripped us actually to shreds. actually, i was only kidding, you can get the baby out of here. >> sheer's what she says actually happening. i by no means felt i was ever kicked out of his rally. i excused myself and my child when he awoke from his nap. she was already gone when he made the comment and trump still has her vote. 35 minutes after the hour, you can get a check of your weather with rick wright. are you still in knockerball? >> about to get into one. big competition is about to come. pick your city and we'll watch how the day plays out. we've got northwesterly winds. that means it is going to be a lot less humid across much of the northeast. few scattered showers across new england. nothing really to worry about. down in the southeast we have a disturbance developing across the gulf. it will stay there and develop into something tropical this week. it will bring a lot of rain across parts of florida starting today. into the northern plains we have
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some pretty heavy rain showers this morning across areas of kansas that will end throughout the afternoon. a much better day. that rain goes in towards arkansas but pretty much a spectacular day across the northern plains. finally out across the west, monsoonal weather. colorado, the inner mountain west and california with all the fires remaining dry. tucker, send it over to you. i'm going to hop into the ball. >> all right. since they were here on "fox & friends" last year, the company has tripled in growth with videos going viral and celebrities like kendall jenner and whoever that is. knockerball may be the coolest contact sport around. it's the greatest. here we go. the points seem self-evident. it's obviously to hurt people. tell us how you came up with this. >> well, we saw a video, somebody from europe, and we decided to bring it to the
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states. so we brought it here. we're actually the biggest seller of the bubble equipment that there is in the country. >> so if the belgians can do it, we can, too? >> absolutely. >> better. exactly. >> that's it. >> how long before this goes to the olympics, mike? >> not this year. >> that's pete right there. he just fell down. >> holy smokes. whose that? >> so, yeah, there's a lot you can do. bumping around like this. you can play last man standing where you knock other people down. sumo, we set up a circle. up to your imagination. >> it is a way to get out your aggression. >> best therapy. >> best therapy ever. >> absolutely. >> how hard is it to hurt someone in knockerball? >> we haven't had any major injury. you're protected by five fleet of inflatable fun. >> it has you from the knees to the head. >> how much do they weigh?
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>> large one are 20 to 25 pounds. >> he looks a little punch drunk right here. do you have a mike on? >> i don't think you can hear me. >> bend down like this. >> what's it like in there? >> intense. >> are you having trouble breathing? >> like a childhood dream. >> how does this compare to wearing body armor in iraq. >> i'll give you 20 bucks if you can take out rick. >> rick's right there. so if you were to give us one piece of strategy for would-be knockerballplayers, what would it be? >> don't leave your feet. >> that man fell down. >> when you're about to make impact, plant your feet and you'll be good. if you leave your feet, you're going to go flying. >> thanks for joining us. we'll be back to you later in the show. the knocker ball athletes are going to continue and we'll be back here once more doing it ourselves. anna kooiman back in the studio.
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>> i can't wait to get out there with you guys. 38 minutes after the hour. coming up on the program, donald trump is set to reveal his big economic plan tomorrow. he says it will create millions of new jobs. what can you expect? one of his economic advisors joins us with a preview next. don't miss it. and the mcdonald's of the future is here. it comes with unlimited french fries. that's just the beginning. i'm loving it! ♪ ♪ what's it like to put your home in good hands?
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4:41 am
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otezla. show more of you. i'm still short of breath from being in those knockerballs. i'm going to do my best. lucille ball finally has a statue fans can be proud of. >> you say you've had experience? >> oh, yes, ma'am. yes, ma'am. i'm a dipper from way back.
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>> yes? >> they used to call me the big dipper. >> the big dipper. this stunning sculpture was unveiled at her hometown in new york. take a look. quite fitting. looks great. it replaces a statute that was dubbed scary lucy. look at that. some comparisons to a zombie. i think that fix was a necessary one. they finally got it right. and mcdonald's -- the mcdonald's of the future is frynally. check it out. high tech self-serve kiosks, table service, couches and unlimited fries? that sounds epic. the newest golden arches just went up in saint joseph, missouri. i've been in a couple of mcdonald's. new furniture. definitely changing their theme. people can buy their own sand wishes and make custom sodas. i might sign up for a few custom sodas. not sure i would know what to do. good on you, mcdonald's.
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keep at it. i've been proud to stand with planned parenthood for a long time, and as president i will always have your back. >> hillary clinton pledging obedience to the abortion industry. she became the first primary candidate ever to be endorsed by planned parenthood. now the organization has announced it will register voters at its abortion clinics throughout the country. which candidates benefit from that? >> we go to penny nans for concerned women of america. who do you think will benefit from this? i bet we can guess. >> of course, you know, there is an abortion cartel between hillary clinton and planned parenthood. planned parenthood stands to greatly profit from the election of hillary clinton. they already get a half a billion in our tax money every year and she has promised them more.
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she wants to get rid of the hyde amendment which prohibits medicaid dollars and she's promised more money for them. it is certainly in planned parenthood's best interests to elect hillary clinton. >> the supreme court recently rules on abortion, rules that restrictions and taxes are unconstitutional. they're saying this is a victory for american women. abortion is a victory for women. almost no republicans that i saw said anything about it. it's such a depressing, anti-human being thing so say. why wouldn't they have called her? >> they should have called her. they were standing in front of the supreme court and doing media and talking to our members at that time. if they talked about in the clinton years safe, legal and rare. >> right. >> safe is not important to them clearly or they would welcome this common sense regulations on abortion clinics. around the country abortion clinics historically have been less regulated than animal
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clinics. we saw what happened in pennsylvania and the butchering of women and the murdering of babies. this is a huge problem. planned parenthood is in its 100th year this year. they're coming under fire appropriately so for the racist roots. today 79% of planned parenthood clinics are located in minority clinics. that's not accidental. that was part of margaret senger's plan all around. ben watson, nfl player has come out. alvida king has come out and called them specifically what they are, a racist organization. >> penny, i want to get your thoughts on this. benjamin watson who is a ravens tight end recently said this about planned parenthood. i do know that honestly the whole idea with planned parenthood in the past was to exterminate blacks. it's working. this has earned praise and strong criticism for the player online. what do you think of it? >> well, he's 100% correct.
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we have, you know, the quote from margaret senger. the early roots of planned parenthood and even to today has been the fact that they find minority groups and particularly african-americans to be less worthy of life. we even have on record, go to live action, where people have called up and said, i specifically would like to abort a black baby? is that a problem. they welcome it. they welcome the money. 79% of those clinics are in minority communities. there's a problem, but i so appreciate ben watson calling it out for what it is. >> it's a little weird though because there is some diversity of views within the democratic party on lots of issues on trade, minimum wage, but the one issue you're not allowed to deviate on at all, the core of catechism is abortion. why is that? how did that happen? >> and it started years ago when you had people like governor casey of pennsylvania.
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>> right. >> they weren't allowed to speak at their democratic convention, and they have rooted out any diversity of thought within the democratic party and shoved them into the waiting arms of the republicans. fine, if that's the way -- you know, the two platforms are very clear on the distinctions on abortion. the republican platform talks about the life issue, talks about the sanctity of life and hillary clinton and planned parenthood say that abortions should be legal at any point in pregnancy for any reason, any number, all paid for by the taxpayer. this is a very radical position and out of lock step with the american people on almost all polls. >> penny nance, thanks for weighing in. have a great day. >> thank you. donald trump set to reveal his big economic plan tomorrow. he says it will create millions of jobs. what can we expect? one of those economic advisers
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joins us next. rudy giuliani will be here at the top of the hour and dr. ben carson will be joining us. jam packed show. don't go anywhere. you're watching "fox & friends." what if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes? what if could prevent he wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13® may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction
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donald trump set to reveal his economic plan tomorrow in detroit. which he says will create millions of new jobs. so, what can we expect? here to give us a preview of that plan is steven moore, economiced a viedzer for the trump campaign. steven, thanks for joining us this morning. give us a preview of donald
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trump is going to lay out tomorrow? >> well, this is going to be hugely important speech for donald trump. it's going to lay out the whole economic plan, the centerpiece of that plan is going to be one of the largest tax cuts since ronald reagan was in office, tax cut aimed at the middle class. it's going to simplify the code, so most americans will be able to itemize -- i mean, not have to itemize their deductions and keep all of their receipts. a big tax cut for our businesses. we have so many businesses that have been leaving the united states for mexico, china and canada. donald trump believes it will create millions and millions of new jobs. >> his economic plan will be called revitalizing the american economy.
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explain why a corporate tax rate reduction from 35% to 15% is such a powerful incentive, what does that do to the job climate in america? >> if you look over the last three, four years under obama, so many american companies leave the united states, great companies like, you know, medtronix, burger king and pfizer wants to leave, walmart has talked about leaving. they're saying they have to leave because our taxes are so much higher. the more important point, small businesses are the spinal cord of our economy. we know that two-thirds of all jobs in this country come from those small businesses. they're just getting -- not just taxes by the way, also regulation, there's going to be a big regulatory component to this as well.
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all the regulations in obamacare on employees we know it's leading to less workers being hired. >> absolutely. regulations strangling businesses large and small. rigged for those at the top. >> yeah, you got it. >> explain the symbolism of detroit. >> there's a reason that detroit was picked, i mean, detroit obviously has gone from bankruptcy -- in fact i was just in detroit recently. i'll be there tomorrow. detroit was one of the symbols of america's industrial might. today it's in complete collapse. one of the things that i hope donald trump will say tomorrow and i think he's talked a lot about this, you know, what have democrats done for these big cities, whether it's detroit, newark, philadelphia or pittsburgh, you see these cities in such decline -- baltimore and
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others -- trump is going to say, you have put your trust in democrats for 30 years they have returned these cities. we're going to bring law and order and jobs back to those cities. it's important for republicans to say we're not the party of the rich we want to come into those low-income communities and improve them. >> also the energy, oil and gas industry -- >> that's huge. >> a big focus as well. >> that's a huge component of it. we believe that we can -- within five or six years make the united states of america the energy dominant country in the world in producing oil, gas and one other thing i know that donald trump is going to hit on monday, those tens of thousands of coal miners put out of work by hillary clinton and barack obama.
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>> steven moore, economist for donald trump. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much. coming up, hillary clinton's message to the largest police union in the united states, no thank you, who would want the endorse from the cops. rudy giuliani is going to react to her rejecting those endorsements. try doctor-recommended gaviscon.
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♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. hello, friends. good morning. it's sunday the 7th of august, 2016. it's a fox news alert. horrifying moments overnight as race car driver flips on the track. >> then forget crooked, try crazy. donald trump's latest attack on hillary clinton. watch this. >> the people of this country don't want somebody that's going to short circuit up here. >> oh, and there's more. we'll show it to you coming up. >>. and hillary clinton's message to the largest police union in the united states.
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thanks, but no thanks. we bet rudy giuliani has something to say about that. you can hear him. he joins us live in moments. mornings, better with friends. ♪ america's mayor is in the house. rudy giuliani, good morning. >> good morning, nice to see you. we'll get to you in a second. we got a report quickly, donald trump testing out a new line of attack, hillary clinton is unstable. >> one of many jabs that the republican nominee took to his opponent last night, saying she's mentally unfit for the job. >> we have the latest on this. >> donald trump is really just trying to make the case that hillary clinton is not mentally fit to be president and he's doing it by using clinton's own words against her. on friday, you may remember that clinton said she may have
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short-circu short-circuited while clarifying comments on her e-mails. trump pounced on that. he released a new ad, watch this. ♪ >> so, i may have short circu circuited. then, last night, a rally in new hampshire, trump called her unstable, unbalanced and totally unhinged. he said that isis militants are salivating at a second clinton in the white house. >> isis is looking, folks, they dream of hillary clinton. they look at her and they say, this can't be happening to us. how great is this. now, you tell me she looks presidential, folks. i look presidential. you tell me -- you tell me she
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looks presidential -- >> so the clinton campaign is responding to these new attack lines with a statement it reads, quote, it's unfortunate that trump's ornl method of dealing with his own disastrous week is to lash out with more absurd personal attacks. first she was crooked hillary, the devil, then a monster. i mean, who knows what nickname trump is going to come up with next. anna, tucker and pete >> we have mayor rudy giuliani on the couch. what's the most effective attack on hillary clinton from the perspective of the trump campaign. >> the con tin yas of obama 2 or obama 3, however you want to look at it. the fact that she'll won't take the support of the police makes the point that a lot of liberal commentators constantly say, oh, this is unfair.
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the democratic party has become an anti-law enforcement party and this is the best demonstration of it. they are against law enforcement, they are very large extent responsible for the atmosphere that's been created in this country where, what is it, 7% increase of the number of killings of police this year. it comes right from the top. it includes hillary. she made herself a part of it. you don't go talk to and seek the endorsement of one of major police union in country. they wouldn't allow -- the democrats wouldn't allow uniformed police officers on the floor of the convention. philadelphia police told me that. you won't see a uniform police officer in the convention. that's because they're embarrassed of uniformed police officers. it's outrageous the way they treat police officers.
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hillary clinton when she announced for president, you know, pronounced the cops in baltimore guilty -- she basically said they were guilty before they even had a trial. they were all found innocent. all the charges were dropped. where is hillary clinton's apology? now, i don't know. i don't know if she's unhinged or unfair. i know she's criminal. she destroyed thousands and thousands of e-mails. she was found to be extremely careless in handling national security which amounts to gross negligence. so, there's no question that if it weren't for hillary clinton the person would be on trial
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now. >> mr. mayor, back to what you were talking about hillary clinton seem ingly to snub the from term order of police. her campaign didn't fill out a form to be eligible for it. donald trump did. do you think this helps donald trump and his -- >> of course, it does. >> is he going to get the whole vote? >> my goodness when i was in philadelphia, i must have 20, 30 policemen around me all the time. thanking me for the speech i gave at the republican convention, telling trump has to get elected or we're finished. telling me we have a target on their backs. finding it very hard to do their job now. we see crime rates going up. i would suspect that most law enforcement will be behind
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donald trump. but the most amazing thing is, spurning law enforcement. and it makes the point that i've made for two years, the democratic party from barack obama down to hillary clinton, you name it, they're anti-police, anti-law enforcement and it's creating a terrible atmosphere in this country. that's very dangerous to police officers. >> i don't know how an entire party can reject the police and how the environment is not going to get worse for them. we have a map we'll put up on the screen you. cities with at least 50 increase in homicides. if the entire democrat party, their unions they're rejecting a lot of these police unions in the process, are deciding to side with black lives matter how does it get better?
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>> it gets worse. black lives matter is divisive. you start sectioning people off like that, you create division. instead of saying all lives matter. and who's protecting lives? who's saving lives? it's not us, it's the cops. the cops are the ones -- the thing that always disturbed me, when i was mayor of new york, reduced homicide by 62% to 65%. the major beneficiaries of that were african-american young men because they were 7 out of 10 people killed every year were african-american men. so, if you can consider how many lives i saved we're talking thousands by effective policing. by stop and frisk. i think saved more african-american lives a mayor
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in new york. i didn't let new york remain like baltimore is, you know when the thing happened in baltimore, all the politicians were standing there and said, it's been like this for 50 years, i said, you've been in charge for 50 years, it's your policies that have ruined battle mother, ruined detroit, ruined inner cities. it's dependency instead of work. it's a public education system that's deteriorating and the refusal to accept charter schools and vouchers. why? because hillary clinton is bought and paid for by the teachers union. we can't fix the v.a. because we can't allow veterans to have a card so they can go to any hospital. you know why the democrats oppose that? the unions. who own them.
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so, i think this only makes the point that the democratic party has gone so far to the left now -- so far to the left -- it won't even seek the endorsement of the major police organization in the country. >> can i ask you a question, i travel a lot, every city i go to has experienced a massive increase in begging, two blocks from here where i stay in new york, half a dozen people living on one block, it's increased dramatically in the past eight years, what is going on? >> at both conventions that i was at and in my travel around the united states and when i'm stopped on the streets in new york city, they say to me, things have gotten much worse since you and bloomberg -- >> do you notice it. >> yes, i had to go to a police station to get a homeless person
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removed from one of my neighbor's doorsteps. i went to the precinct myself. >> you're a good neighbor to have. >> we got rid of him. i get complaints from all over. yesterday, it was driving right near the holland tunnel, there was a squeegee guy there. now, when i was mayor, i would have gotten on the phone right away, called bernie kerik, get rid of that guy, you don't walk in the middle of streets in my city. it's deteriorating quickly. this is what democrats do, they deteriorate cities and they lock them into poverty. they take away the ladder of success which is education and jobs. that's how all of our parents, grandparents great-grandparents -- education and work. they have taken that away.
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>> something bad is going on. i wish the press would cover it once in a while. >> trump is going to lay out an economic plan tomorrow that should bring a lot of jobs back to america. we should be going at 3%, 4%. if you look at what trump is going to propose tomorrow, i will tell you, within a year we'll be at 3%, 4%. >> wow. >> certainly. many economists have predicted. >> america's mayor wearing america socks. thank you for being here. >> thanks a lot. >> thank you. breaking overnight, oscar pistorius injured many prison and rushed to the hospital. what happened inside? and mike huckabee. >> that wasn't a press conference it was a slobber fest.
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>> a slobber fest get your napk napkin. and it's the return of knockerball out on the plaza. we're getting ready for another game. ♪ ♪
5:14 am
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hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. what i told the fbi, which he said was truthful is consistent with what i have saved publicly. i may have short circuited it and for that i will try to clarify because i think chris wallace and i were talking past each other. what we have here is pretty much what i have been saying throughout this whole year and
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that is that i never sent or received anything that was marked classified. >> we just so happen to have chris wallace here, good morning, were you two speaking past one another there? >> no, there wasn't any short circuiting. i asked her a simple question, you said a variety of things to the american people, there was no classified material then there was no material that was classty mied at the time and there was no material that was marked classified and the director james comey head of the fbi said that's all untrue. she tried in what i can only call a clintonian maneuver, she said, what comey what i told him in private -- she said and comey
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said what i said in public was true. he asked comey was asked specifically about things she said to american people he said those weren't true. >> so, what did her advisers think? did she handle herself well in their interview? >> no, they shout that she had in effect tried to go a step too far to say as comed what she told the fbi was true. but comey no way vouched for what she said publicly and they thought she had gone too far. >> chris, the ripple effect from your interview has existed for
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over a week now and she holds a full press conference and asked a lot of questions, will this force to retreat from the press even more with all the inconsistencies? >> well, you know, there are two questions there, press conference? i agree with you. it wasn't a real press conference. among other things it was with a bunch of journalists many who don't cover her regularly on a campaign. when a candidate holds a real press conference they talk to the traveling press corps. she didn't do that and hasn't done it for almost now 250 days. no, she'll do interviews. she has to. you're running for president. she's done hundreds of interviews. she hasn't held a news conference. >> chris, who do you have coming up on the program? >> well, we'll continue -- look, not only did she have a tough week so did donald trump. we'll have an interesting debate
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between newt gingrich and xavier becerra and then we'll get into that very troubling $400 million cash payment to iran just as the hostages were being released was it ransom or as the u.s. administration says just a coincidence. >> chris wallace coming up at the top of the next hour. >> have a good day. next on our rundown -- fox news alert, horror on the track, a race car driver flips on the track. plus, donald trump and hillary clinton tied when it comes to trustworthy, how can donald trump win voters back? is it possible? dr. ben carson joins us live. that's next.
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marie's turkey pot pie starts with turkey covered in a rich flavorful gravy, and a crust made from scratch. because she knows that when it's cold outside... it's good food and good company that keep you warm inside. marie callender's. it's time to savor.
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hi, everyone. good morning. 24 minutes after the hour. race car driver fighting for his life this morning after a horrific high-speed crash. >> you can hear the screams of horror as three-time indy 500 starter ryan clausen hits a gad rail, flips and then t-boned. he was air lifted to the hospital where he's in critical but stable condition, we're told. another fox news alert, an irani iaian man accused of spyi.
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he claimed he was forcibly taken by the cia because of his extensive knowledge of iran's nuclear program. his family said he was recently executed and his body was returned to his hometown. now, when it comes to trusting a candidate, voters distrust donald trump as much as they distrust hillary clinton. >> the question is, can trump wij back these voters? joining us is dr. ben carson. how if you're the trump campaign how do you go about convinces voters you can be trust snd. >> well, first of all, recognize that you have two candidates here -- one of which has media doing everything they can to protect them still at 60%. and the other one the media
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doing everything to destroy them. the fact that they're tied is a big advantage for donald trump. he needs to begin to talk about the things that have made the american people so dissatisfied. the reason that he is the nominee and the reason that bernie sanders had such an impact because the american electorate does not trust government anymore and they're very frustrated with the policies that have been going on. donald trump has different policies in terms of the economy. this economy could be humming in absolutely no time if you got rid of the unnecessary regulations and you made a tax policy that insent vised -- this isn't robert scientist. you look at a high corporate tax rate, of course they're going to go elsewhere. you know, the people who criticize companies for going offshore doesn't recognize that
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people don't go into businesses to support the government they go into businesses to make money and a smart government creates an environment that's conducive to them doing just that. >> people don't believe what hillary clinton has to say whereas with donald trump they're less certain what he'll say. he's called her crooked hillary. yet yesterday, he said she was totally unhinged. should he stay with crooked or go to crazy? >> i think his focus should be on what he's going to do. you know, it may be fun to call her these names, but really, what are the people concerned about? what are they upset about? the things that are destroying america right now they're not democrat or republican things. he needs to speak to that. i think he'll resonate very strongly. i wouldn't let hillary off by
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any stretch of the imagination. that level of corruption is horrendous. we have to begin to speak out against it since the media is trying to whitewash it. because what message is that gi giving to our children, willing to brush it under the rug and say it's okay, i shudder to thing what will happen in the next generation. >> top issue voters trust donald trump on is the economy. he's going to be laying out an economic plan on monday. dr. ben carson thanks for your time. >> absolutely. well, do you know someone with asthma, inhalers could become a thing of past, details on a new medical breakthrough coming up. you know how hillary clinton wants donald trump to make his clothes in america? >> i would like him to explain why he paid chinese workers to make trump ties -- this is one
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of them -- it's got his name on it of course. >> uh-oh. you see that pantsuit she's wearing, guess where that was made? ♪ (humming) ♪ so you're up at dawn, ♪ k, , look alive. ♪ you've been saving for a big man-cave. ♪ (chuckling) good luck with that, dave. ♪ you made the most of your retirement plan, ♪ ♪ so you better learn to drive that rv, man.♪ ♪ so many things you're doing in your life. ♪ ♪
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we're pretty much protected by that. five feet of inflatable fun.
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>> from the knees to above the head. >> a childhood dream. >> how does this compare to wearing body armor in iraq? >> safer. >> it's tough. >> the sport is knockerball. >> here's my advice -- stretch first. >> stretch. >> definitely stretch. put on different shoes. don't wear dress shoes. >> you're wearing those shoes without socks. >> you don't see that very often a man in a suit with no sock and it's a super long story. >> really what we're doing and why you're on the couch, this is a very big day for you, ten years here. you became a member of the fox and friends family and you're still here.
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>> you're still here. >> wonderful producers and others they wanted to surprise him with a special look down memory lane. take a look. what? >> ♪ ♪ >> thank you so much. happy to be here. >> take a quick look at the weather. >> new graphics look awesome. >> we're implementing a new way to do weather. it's a little bit cold outside. i thought i would wrap up. ♪ >> good morning here from new york city. where are you this morning? >> we're out here on the uss intrepid. this is the ball that we'll be watching tonight. right here a view of the statue of liberty. >> our chief meteorologist is on the ground. good morning, rick.
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>> everything in between is going to be flooded. it will take a long time for this weather to go away. yesterday alone, 98 reports of tornadoes. almost 100 tornadoes just in one day. we've been some of the damage this morning. a woman came up to us and two minutes ago, does anybody know what happened to my neighbor? we talked with the gentleman yesterday, we were able to tell her he's okay. 39 people in this part of the building and no one was injured or killed which is amazing. 350 feet tall that's the height that rick is joining us from right now. please be careful. >> oh, look at that. >> oh, boy. oh, boy. >> this is safe, right? >> that's what they tell me. y >> this is rick's fair.
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>> look at this. >> we're livestreaming from rick's iphone on a hot air balloon. >> and so, this is what it will look like. >> we're here at daytona, this right here is pit road. this is a car that these guys drive in, see how small, there's no space in here. we're going to go drive the pace car. last lap all out. >> wow. >> a few things that you don't know about rick. >> rick isn't afraid of animals. >> let's do it. >> your shoulder and drive. >> go.
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>> let's go, let's go. >> that was impressive. whoa! rick -- rick, are you trying to change the idea that you can get hurt or not? >> rick, rick -- >> even had an ambulance come to take him to the hospital. >> there you go. >> rick sitting in this morning, nice to see you. >> thank you, rick. >> there's so much going out there, only one man keeping it track of it all, rick. >> there's no better show to work on. >> that is the truth. >> oh, my gosh, i have the best job ever. >> you started as a young man -- >> yeah, you can see the 20
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pounds go up and down through that. which is really good. oh, my god, i have the best job ever thank you for letting me do this job. thank you for this. >> you isn't seen many of those clips. >> you know what, a lot of people go home and watch themselves to get better, i never watch myself. that's the first time i saw most of that. >> the day you hit the wrong roller skates. you have covered. >> in fact my knee has swollen again. i still have pain. >> here we go. >> one thing to beat the pain is chocolate cake. >> it's the fox and friends 15. >> we'll be consuming that. >> yes, we will. thank you very much. thank you, producers. >> ten years, that's unbelieve zblbl thank you very much. 38 minutes after the hour. other headline s -- oscar
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pistorius rushed to the hospital with cuts. denied reports that he tried to hurt himself saying he fell out of his bed. hillary clinton is coming out swinging against donald trump's ties. do you remember this? >> i really would like him to explain why he paid chinese workers to make trump ties. >> it turns out designers said that pantsuit she's wearing is probably made in bangladesh, china or sri lanka and costs anywhere from 2,000 to $15,000. is a-rod on his way out? a-rod set to hold a press conference before today's game. the 41-year-old has gotten little playing time since losing the designated hitter job since
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left-handers last month. and those are your headlines. ready to dig into the cake? obama administration proud to announce that it's settled thousands of syrian refugees here. and hillary holds her first not really a press conference but a press availability staged nicely and the press gives her a hand. >> president obama does not get the credit he deserves for leading us out of the great recession. >> we react to that. poor mout. allergies? stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone.
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time for some health head lines. act you punh is associated with relieving stress and pain. it can also improve symptoms of dementia. it may help improve the subtle memory loss that precedes memory loss. and an experimental pill could help adults dish their inhalers. people with uncontrolled asthma had less inflammation in their airways. tucker, over to you. >> well, thanks so much. hillary clinton held here first press conference in nearly a year but was it really a press conference? when journalists got the chance to ask her questions here's what they asked. >> madam secretary your poll numbers went way up yet the e-mail controversy was still in the headlines. your responsibility to respond.
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today you were endorsed by michael morrell. >> what is the most meaningful conversation you've had with an african-american friend? >> so much to talk about and joining us is howard kurz. the very first question at this event came from kristine welker of nbc and she asked mike morell endorsed you, do you agree with his assessment of trump? >> lot of questions that made me cringe, tucker. invitations to attack trump. my personal favorite was the woman from telemundo who asked, are you taking latino voters for granted? this was wivleball. this was the first time that the national press corps got a
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chance to question the democratic nominee? >> maybe the most shocking part of it was what they didn't ask but how they behaved. here's the press applauding the democratic nominee. watch this. >> 60% approval rating -- ask yourself. they have tried to expand my musical taste, i'm going to respect the friendship silence. thank you all very much. >> secretary clinton we're out of time. thank you very much. everyone, give a big round of applause for secretary clinton coming and answering questions. >> it's self-defeating to be this obvious about this. >> i never applaud for politicians of any party. people who were there said this was a minority journalist, most
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of them weren't reporters -- most people applauding weren't reporters. they implored her to more news conferences. look, i just, you know, it didn't have thatted a veer yal tone that you see in trump news conference. most were trying to pin hillary clinton down on almost everything. >> i agree with you. why did they allow this in the first place, this is a group of journalists they say, why did they allow hillary to stage a campaign there, why didn't they demand she ask unfettered questions? >> donald trump was invite td as well, he declined the invitation. some of the questions came from the national political reporters who are covering hillary
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clinton. because there were more minority reporters the s there were the minority questions. you can see if you look at any front page or any website these days the stories are all trump, trump, trump. here's one on hillary. >> boy, i really think no matter who wins it will be hold for the press to cover the president. thank you. most voters don't have a favorable view personally of trump or hillary. anyone they can put their faith? father john joins us, there he is. stay with us.
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wake up this sunday morning with less than 100 days to the election. most voters have a low favorability view of the candidates. >> is there anyone the american people can put their faith? here to weigh is father jonathan morris. >> don't put faith in any political candidate. don't put faith in any political candidate. >> that is the wisest thing i have heard in a long time. we were talking, this is something i have been pondering. how can candidates say they're personally opposed to things they in effect support. tim kaine, he's not the only one, but says that he is
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personally opposed to abortion as a catholic and yet he's 100% with the abortion lobby and takes a ton of money from abortion providers. how does that work? >> it says in the past he's against gay marriage personally, but publicly he supports it, and then even on capital punishment, for example, he says he's personally against it, which would be the catholic church's position, but as governor he actually oversaw executions. so it's -- i think it's -- i think it's diabolical to suggest that, for example, slavery. you know, if you say back in the time when slavery was legal, you could say i'm personally against slavery, but, you know, it is the law, and, therefore, i own slaves or i support people or legislation that supports slavery. i don't think you can do it. and i don't know how he gets away with it, tim kaine. i'm not saying he doesn't have other wonderful, spiritual, religious qualities but when you talk about issue after issue
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after issue saying i'm personally against this or for this but publicly i take the exact opposite position, we need to call him out on that. that is unacceptable. not just him but others. >> father, if there's separation of church and state, should any religious person be a politician? is that what you're saying? >> what is separation of church and state? it's that congress shall make no law that favors one religion over another and that should prohibit the free exercise of religion. that is separation of church and state. not the suggestion that somebody of religion shouldn't use their personal beliefs to try to promote what they believe in. of course, they should. >> let's give unto caesar that which is caesars. if we strip god from the conversation, how can people assert their faith in a way that isn't seen heavy handed. >> i said in the beginning don't put your faith in any particular politician. >> amen.
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>> but we have to choose the lesser of evils. i'm not saying that candidates are evil. what i'm saying is i don't think saying i'm not -- i'm going to sit this one out, i don't think that's acceptable either. we have the right and i would say civil obligation to choose who is going to be better for our country than the other options. you know -- >> wait a second. isn't a vote an endorsement -- >> no it's not an endorsement? >> it's not? >> no. it's saying i am going to try to support this person to win over this person because i think this person would be worse. in a perfect society i would be voting for a saint. i don't see any of those. >> so you think saints would be better politicians -- >> we have a moralable gatie aas citizens to make a choice. >> yes. i don't think we're going to go to hell if we don't vote, but if i can help the country move a little closer to the common good, by my vote i'm going to do it. >> because if men were angels, we wouldn't need all this stuff. >> that's right. that's what heaven is about. >> we know you have several
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masses. >> i have one in a half an hour. >> put on your running shoes. >> if you're in new york, go see him. >> on facebook too, i do it live. here is what's coming up on the show. hillary's message for the largest police union in the united states, thanks but no thanks. david webb is here to react top of the hour. and knocker ball. it's not just a game, it's a lifestyle. it's unfolding live on the plaza next hour. we will play.
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[ tires screech ] ♪ flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! ahh! this is probably more of a breakroom activity. ya think? ♪ hi, friends. good morning. it's sunday the 7th of august, 2016. it's "fox & friends" wegeekend. i'm anna kooiman and this is a fox news alert.
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horrifying moments overnight as an indy car flips on the track. then even democrats are having trouble admitting that they trust hillary clinton. watch this. >> do you think hillary clinton is trustworthy? >> i'm sorry, what was that again? >> do you think secretary clinton is trustworthy? >> oh, i support hillary. >> it's a tough question. what's the answer? we'll report, you can decide. >> and there's never been much support for a third-party candidate, but now another woman not named hillary is making a move. >> we say to donald trump, we don't need to frigin law, we just have to stop invading other countries. how about that? >> okay. can green party nominee jill stein cost hillary clinton the election? she'll be here live this hour. hour four of "fox & friends." we're just getting started here. mornings better with friends.
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♪ i get knocked down but i get up again ♪ >> you're never going to keep us down. we're playing knockerball on the plaza. it's round two. we played last year, and apparently knockerball usa has tripled in size since then. and rick and pete got in on the action earlier this morning, and we are all going to be trying live in just about 45 minutes. >> i still have not caught my breath. >> catch it right here. >> yes. >> joining us on the couch, someone who competed in the 2002 nagano olympics in knocker bakn. >> that was me. it was a very tough competition. >> you beat the latvians. >> there was deflation involved. deflategate of our own. >> donald trump has tried out a lot of nicknames or hillary clinton, crooked, the devil, and a monster. now he's saying she's mentally unfit to be president. take a listen to his latest
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attack. >> unstable hillary clinton, and you saw that. did you see that where she basically short circuited? she said -- it wasn't a press conference because that's around 250 days. but it was in front of some friendly reporters. they asked her a very easy question, she short circuited. she used the term "short circuited." she took a short circuit in the brain, but i think that the people of this country don't want somebody that's going to short circuit up here. >> is that effective or do you think crooked is better or -- >> look, things are going to work with some people and not with others. short circuited. what really comes out of that comment is the fact she actually lied to chris wallace because that -- she conflated two issues of when she lied and who she lied to between the fbi testimony and the interview versus congress and the lies to the american people. look, donald trump knows how to
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get messaging out to the blue collar guy, and that will work with some people. but i think it needs to evolve into the next step, which is let's attack what the short circuit really is and what it means to the american voters. i ask a simple question and i pose it kind of to tim kaine after his speech at the convention which is if your son was in a firefight for his life, would you trust hillary clinton to send help? and that's a very basic question. pete, you understand the nature of this question. would you trust her as commander in chief to send help if your son, brother, father, loved one was in a firefight for their lives somewhere around the world? >> to do what is necessary without political calculation. >> right. we leave no man behind, but we don't go get them after they're dead because of our inaction and that's what you have to ask yourself about hillary clinton. donald trump has evolved his campaign but he really needs to evolve and incorporate a lot more of what he needs to get to the general election with his economic policy coming out tomorrow. he needs to go out there and say
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how i'm going to counter the $1.3 trillion in taxes. that's an analysis done by american action forum of what hillary will do and say, look, the rich don't have $1.3 million to give. the middle class will pay it. >> why not say the truth, which is to the middle class, she hates you. she doesn't like you. she has contempt for you. she thinks you're stupid. why not hit her on the issues which really are out of step with where most voters are in the polls? >> and he needs to do that. look, we're importing poverty if we let illegal immigration run constantly unchecked. that's what we are doing. we are importing poverty into this country. we need legal immigration. that's a different issue. the middle class, you're right, you're talking about a class -- an economic class that can't replenish its wealth because it is unable to grow. so this is where he needs to hit her. her policies will actually depress middle class wages even further, and when you look at
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the latest farce that is the jobs report, you look at people who have left the workforce, the true net new jobs, realize that's the middle class in america getting hurt. >> when you look at recent polls about honesty and trustworthiness, they are both tied at 60%. do democrats trust hillary clinton? do lawmakers who are democrats, do they trust hillary clinton? look at what one said on another network just a couple days ago. >> do you think hillary clinton is trustworthy? >> i'm sorry, what was that again? >> do you think secretary clinton is trustworthy? >> oh i support hillary. i mean, i have taken a public stance on, that and i think she's the most qualified to lead this country. look, i mean, look, there's a lot going on. she has the experience and the knowledge to be president of the united states. >> congresswoman ann kirkpatrick. good luck. thank you so much. >> thank you, brooke. >> following the conventions, the democrats said we're more unified than the republicans were following their convention.
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is that the case? >> democrats do something republicans don't do. they get in lock step by and large, many of them do, and certainly the more left wing of the democrats. they've made their deal with themselves. i think it's a faustian bargain and it's certainty one economically, to tucker's point, because in the end look at the failures in these major cities. look at crime rates, look at all the things that have happened with liberal progressive policies. the problem is ann chiropractor kirkpatrick won't think for herself. she will vote for hillary clinton based on the party alone. i'm not saying it shouldn't be a factor, it should. you want to win. first you win and then make policy. democrats trust her because she's a democrat, not based on her qualifications in large part. >> you mentioned the crime rate, and we had rudy giuliani on earlier to talk about the fact that hillary clinton is not even seeking the endorsement of the largest law enforcement organization in this country. this is what rudy giuliani had to say about that. >> i think it only makes the point that the democratic party
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has gone so far to the left now, so far to the left, that it won't even seek the endorsement of the major police organization in the country. it makes the point that i've made for two years, the democratic party from barack obama down to hillary clinton, you name it, they are anti-police, anti-law enforcement, and it is creating a terrible atmosphere in this country that's very dangerous to police officers zpl a. >> and donald trump is running as a law and order candidate. >> if you have a society that does not have laws, a structure of laws, a structure that keeps it in a position of being a workable society, law, order, the ability to be safe, to go to work, the act to do things that we do normally, your society breaks down. but the democrats are playing pure politics with this. they realize the perception of black lives matter that they have partied with. they literally have gone in
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political bed together so they can advance their narrative. back to tucker's point about what they're doing with illegal immigration -- >> it's lawlessness. >> look at the president who, by the way, unrestricted come mutations. he's at 56 a month. he did 150 and something a month and he's proud of it and he cites crime statistics up to 2014. crime didn't stop in 2014. the trend lines are now tragic with violent crimes. donald trump also right about that. "the washington post," of all things, carried this article, but the numbers, the fbi statistics, 70 major cities, chicago, over 400 murders. and what do the democrats do? you don't have to believe me, america. look at every city in america with major urban problems, and look at the liberal progressive politic that is have run those cities. >> that's right. >> my card got stolen in washington, d.c., so i know.
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david webb, good to see you. creepiest man in the world, julian assange prmomises to release new e-mails on the clinton foundation going into the election. >> many dems now fearing it could lead to an october surprise. >> kristin fisher is live from washington, d.c., with more on what they could contain. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. julian assange has been hinting about this possible october surprise for some time, but he just doubled down on that claim in a new interview with rt, a television network funded by the russian government. here is the clip. >> do you expect -- i know you can't comment directly about the pending e-mail reliceases for wikileaks, but do you expect more about the clinton foundation? >> yes. >> do you believe she can win given the e-mails? >> can she win the election. that's an interesting question. i wouldn't be willing to say so far. >> now, wikileaks has already had a big impact on this
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election. its leak of thousands of e-mails from top dnc officials led to the res sig nignation of former chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz. on friday assange told bill mar he maher he's working on obtaining donald trump's tax returns. >> the very next day after his comments on a lot of attention, assange said he was just joking. he said wikileaks is not working on hacking trump's tax returns. claim is a joke from a comedy show. we are working on encouraging whistle-blowers but many are openly wondering if wikileaks is actively encouraging outside entities to interfere with u.s. election. >> kristin fisher from washington. thanks. >> thank you. ten minutes after the hour. following other stories making headlines. a race car driver fighting for
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his life this morning after a horrific high-speed crash. you can hear the screams of horror as three-time indy 500 starter brian clausen hits a guardrail, flips, and is t-boned on a kansas dirt track. crews spent 30 minutes prying him from the mangled car. he was airlifted to the hospital where ness critical but stable condition. an iranian nuclear scientist is executed accused of giving information to the cia. he was detained in iran back in 2010 after returning from the u.s. well, he claimed he was forcibly taken from the cia because of his extensive knowledge of iran's nuclear program. his family says he was recently executed and his body was returned to his hometown. a community is on edge and they're coming together to stop a serial killer. people in phoenix, arizona, now
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taking it upon themselves to pass out flyers with this suspect's information after seven people were murdered. >> our community and police together to work on a central focused mission, right? and that is to find exactly who this individual is. >> they're even working on translating flyers into different languages. there is a $50,000 reward for information leading to an arrest so take a good look at that photo there. that's a sketch. and those are your hnews headlines. >> thank you. he is the former cae chief who altered the talking points on benghazi. plus a brand new push to register voters just in time for the november election. just visit your nearest abortion clinic. planned parenthood is doing all
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is well, the former acting director of the cia, mike morell, who altered the ben g i did -- benghazi has now endorsed hillary clinton. he wrote, mr. trump has also taken policy positions consistent with russian, not american, interests. in the intelligence business we would say mr. putin has recru recruited mr. trump as an unwitting agent of the russian federation. we have georgia congressman lynn
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westmoreland, a member of the house committee on benghazi coining us this morning. thanks for joining us, congressman. >> thanks. >> he writes an op-ed and talks about mao he served republican and democrat presidents and has not publicly come out for a candidate in the past. why is mike morell in light of what we know about benghazi -- he also works for beacon global strategist which is a clinton-tied firm, why is he coming out and endorsing hillary clinton right now? >> i think he's applying for a job. he's been the acting director of the cia twice and was kind of overlooked when the president picked mr. brennan, so i think he's actually applying for a job and, plus, like you mentioned, the beacon global strategies, if you look at that and if you read the resume of those people there, most of them either worked for panetta or clinton or somebody in this admissied admi. it's no surprise to me.
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even if ms. clinton gets elected, that just means more business for this beacon global strategies, so i'm sure he's all in to get her elected to either get the job of being the director at the cia or at least helping his company. >> sure. and this morning he's on as a clinton surrogate and will presumably continue to do so. but why are people not looking at the fact that here's the guy who, first, denied that the cia had done it, said you know better than anyone else as a member of the benghazi committee, denied it and was forced to admit they were the one that is changed the talking point. will he get scrutiny for that and will hillary clinton ever be questioned on his relationship to that? >> well, you know, pete, we interviewed him several times on the select committee, and he never admitted to changing the talking points, and then after one interview he admitted that he is the guy that really orchestrated that. and if you look at the people on that list of people that looked at those talking points, you'll
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see some of the names that beacon global strategies whatas that exact list of the people who changed it. and it's almost a joke really for morell to talk about putin having influence over trump when puten h putin has ran the table on obama. >> when you want to talk about emboldening russia, is he just being disingenuine or entirely political? the media is reporting this as nonpartisan cia director endorses hillary clinton. >> he is not nonpartisan. i don't know who he's voted for in the past. he says he's never talked about it, but if you want to talk about somebody that's put clinton -- i mean putin and russia back on the world stage, you look at this administration and what they've done with our foreign policy, especially in
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the middle east. i mean, russia has shown that they're going to back their allies, and we just go hide in a corner somewhere and just do the least possible. and if you look at -- if you read the book, and i'm not promoting morell's book but i have read it, and if you read chapter nine, he doesn't have a clue of what really happened in benghazi. >> thank you very much. if he's endorsing hillary clinton, he's endorsing the foreign policy he was a part of and we've had to deal with over the last seven or eight years. >> that's right. >> congressman, thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> you got it. all right. democrats proud to announce they've settled thousands of syrian refugees in the u.s. this month. they're touting it. but the real story here is where they're going to live. filmmaker dinesh d' souza is here to explain where and why with these syrian refugees. the side of the story you will want to hear. and remember when meryl streep dressed up as donald
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so. dinesh d'souza is an author and filmmake filmmaker. gee joi gee. >> he joins us from houston to talk about this. >> nice to be on the show. >> why do you think the refugees are being settled far, far away from washington, d.c.? >> well, the poor syrians don't really know it, but they are being dispatched to what we may call the liberal plantation. and what i mean by this is that the democratic party has created these sort of reservations all around the country. they started out by creating inner city plantations for blacks, but they've created barrios for hispanics. they make sure the people that are dependent on them aren't around to contaminate their own lives. they're kept at a safe distance. just kind of like in the old slave plantation the slave quarters were always a safe distance from where the.
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>> eveoverseer lived or the plantation owner lived. >> they want to change the demographic mix of certain parts of the country. the left moved thousands of somali refugees into lewiston, maine. do they have a hope of succeeding in a place with no jobs? why would they do that? >> well, because just remember, tucker, in the old slave plantations what the democrats wanted. they ran those plantations too and the main goal was to steal people's labor. that's what slavery is. it's a form of stealing labor. what they really want are people's votes, people's votes. so they create these communities. they stick people in them. they're not particularly concerned with whether they have jobs or not. in fact, if you look at our inner cities, they're in pretty much the same condition they were in 1968. so people don't get ahead, but they are depen dented on the government, dependent on the progressives and the
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progressives have them where they want them. >>. >> you are an immigrant. how did you get where you are now. you're a successful filmmaker and what policies enabled you to get where you are? >> i came to america looking for ladders of opportunities. i stay far away from the democratic plantation. i try to realize my own american dream. america has worked for me and i'm trying to fight to protect that same american dream for other immigrants and actually for all americans. >> so your movie "hillary's america" i think is edging out one of the biggest documentaries of all time "roger and me" my michael moore. how is that doing? is that true? >> we've already surpassed "roger and me." we're actually the number eight most successful political documentary of all time in just three weeks. we urge people to see it this week. >> where can people see it? >> "hihillary's america the
6:28 am is the website. if you plug in your zip code it will tell you where the movie is playing near you. >> thanks, din initiesdinesh. hempleman donald trump has a new attacker and it's not hill, it's jill. >> we say we don't need no friggin wall. we just need to stop invading other countries. dr. jill stein joins us live coming up next.
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we say to donald trump, we don't need no friggin' wall. we just got to stop invading other countries. we have a new kind of offensive for the middle east. it's called a peace offensive in the middle east. the republicans have become the party of hate and fearmongering. the democrats are the party of deportation, detention, and night raids. we are the alalternative. >> that was the presidential nominee for the green party jill stein who won the bid last night. >> she took a tough stance in
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her acceptance speech. >> and we will speak from her in a few moments. to other stories. new developments over night in the awful machete attack on two police officers in belgium. the prime minister is calling it an act of terrorism and officials say the suspect slashed two female cops, one in the face, before being shot dead by police. both officers will be okay. the investigation continues this morning. and not only is the navy getting rid of the blue camouflage uniforms, they're also giving the go ahead for all sailors to wear don't tread on me patches. as of october 1st they will be able to wear a patch similar to this. the move ends a controversy that began two years ago after a republican congressional candidate said sailors were banned from donning the flag because it had political connections to the tea party. she hasn't been shy about her dislike for the donald. now actress meryl streep is doubling down on her criticisms of the republican nominee.
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streep telling the rap, quote, i just keep thinking what's wrong with half of everybody? what is wrong? then she went on to say she was relieved knowing only a few americans actually voted in the primary elections. hillary clinton became the first primary candidate ever to be endorsed by planned parenthood. >> i've been proud to stand with planned parenthood for a long time, and as president i will always have your back. >> now the organization says it will register voters at its clinics throughout the country. author penny nance joined us earlier this morning and says clinton has a lot to gain with the partisanship and so does planned parenthood. >> there is an abortion cartel between hillary clinton and planned parenthood. planned parenthood stands to greatly profit from the election of hillary clinton. they already get a half a
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billion dollars in our tax money every year, and she has promised them more. >> planned parenthood will help people register to vote in 45 of the 50 states, and those are your headlines. rick is standing outside with our college associate hailey ross to do the weather. >> this is the end of intern season. you've been an amazing intern prp now it's your chance to show america how you can be a bropter. you're a journalism student and you have chose ton do weather. >> so today -- >> i messed you up already. i blew past the first weather map. my fault. >> okay. so the big story for today is that there's going to be storms around the gulf and around florida. it's not just going to be rain today it's going to be around the rest of the week. so it could be up to 12 inches and you really should watch for some flooding in the area. >> very good. okay. across the northeast what's going to happen today? >> today that's where we are and
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lucky we have a beautiful day today. the storms from yesterday cleared up and it's not humid anymore and it's sunny and wonderful and i'm very excited. >> and down to the south. >> yes. around the south, as you know, the florida is going to be really rainy but around texas it's going to be dry and nice. around arkansas and louisiana we are going to have some storms, unfortunately, but it will clear up. >> to the northern plains. >> to the northern plains, well, it's also going to be beautiful around there as well, around the great lakes it's going to be sunny and 77 and nice. the only place that there might be some storms is around kansas but it should clear up around tonight. >> very good. out across the west finally. >> across the west, well, it's going to be -- there's going to be some rain around the rockies but around california it's going to be dry, which does not really help for our -- all the fires but it's going to be nice. >> hailey ross, you have a huge future ahead of you. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> great job. she did good, didn't she?
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>> thank you. >> guys, send it back to you inside. >> she's so pretty-h. her hair all curled. the green party officially nominating progressive activist jill stein as its presidential candidate for 2016. >> stein is a harvard trained physician. in 2012 she got about 0.4% of the popular vote. this time the polls have her at 4%. we have her now joining us live. green party presidential nominee jill stein. dr. stein, good to see you this morning. >> good to be with you. >> we played a clip of you attacking trump for being war-like, and it seems to me if you compare trump and hillary, trump has supported no wars that i'm aware of. hillary clinton supported the war in iraq, the escalation in afghanistan, the war against syria, and, of course, she was one of the prime movers behind the killing of gadhafi in libya. on the question of war, aren't
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you closer to trump than you are hillary? >> i think you could say so. i think hillary has an absolutely catastrophic war record. on the other hand, trump has talked about his secret plans that will obliterate resistance in various areas of the middle east which is rather worrisome he won't tell us how he's going to obliterate the enemy in the middle east, and he's calling again for the strongest military ever. right now that military is eating up 50% of our discretionary budget, almost half of your income tax is going to support the military, and these wars have not made us safer. in fact, they're making us less save. terrorism is only becoming more strong and more vicious. so policy, and, unfortunately, donald trump doesn't really stand up to that. he calls for more of the same though, you're right, he doesn't have the track record of these devastating wars that hillary actually does. >> ms. stein, i want to get your thoughts on julian assange, from
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wikileaks. and the e-mail released by wikileaks caused a lot of chaos. he was satellited into the convention and deemed a hero. what does that mean? >> well, thanks to whistle-blowers like julian assange, we actually know now about the government spying on us, on our phone calls, on our e-mails, on our web communications and habits. so there are actually violations of our constitutional rights that are going on behind closed doors, and now that we've been alerted, we've actually started to take steps to correct that. so i think it's very important, whistle-blowers have always played a really critical role for making sure that they keep our government honest and that they are not violating our rights behind closed doors. >> dr. stein, and thanks to traitors like edward snowden we've also lost agents on the
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battlefield. you talk about donald trump's nonplan for the middle east -- >> not edward snowden zbl wh. >> what is the your peace offensive in the middle east? is that what's going to defeat isis, a little more peace, some more jobs for them. what does a peace offensive do to defeat radical islamic terrorists in the middle east. >> we've spent $65 million -- >> what's your plan? >> i think it's important to be clear that more of a failed policy is not going to work. you cannot bomb terrorism out of existence. you have to starve it. you have to deprive it of weapons and funding. so unfortunately, our allies and arguably the cia itself, have played a role in providing arms, training, and funding. so we need to freeze the bank accounts. hillary clinton herself as secretary of state -- >> we're trying to freeze the bank accounts. >> -- is still the major funder of terrorist enterprises around
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the world. so it's time to get clear with our allies that they need to help us fight terrorism, and that means to stop the funding, the training, and the armaments. most of the arms supplied to the middle east are actually coming from the u.s. and our allies. we just sold $100 billion worth of arms to the saudis who can distribute them wherever they like. we can shut down this war because it's our weapons that have enabled it to be fought. >> so you mention our allies. both candidates agree the key ally is israel. you support a boycott of israel and you describe the government as responsible for assassination, illegal settlements, building of nuclear bombs, indefinite detention, collective punishment and defiance of international law. my question to you is do you think israel is more an outlaw state than say cuba is. which is a more legitimate government? >> let me say this our policy applies to all countries. >> right. >> and that is where there are
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flagrant violations of human rights, war crimes, assassinations, and international law, then we need to stop supporting those countries to stop funding them. so we're calling for a level playing field here. everything we say about israel also applies to our ally saudi arabia, for example, or to egypt. in the case of israel, we are providing $800 million a day for an army which is an army of occupation which is in defiance of international law. so this isn't something -- >> but to tucker's question -- >> -- that i am making up. this is the actual statements of the united nations and international -- >> are you making equivalence between israel and cuba where there are gulags and jailing of dissidents? are you making that moral equation? >> we're not funding cuba to the tune of $8 million a day. that's what our policy says is that we need to stop funding and supporting those governments that are in violation of international law. yeah, there's lots of human rights violations going on in
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cuba, in the united states, everywhere around the world but what our policy says is that we stop actually funding those countries. >> a lot of democrats are mad at you because they look at you as the ralph nader of this election. if you pull three points, two points, point and a half of hillary clinton you could throw the race to donald trump. that's the argument they make. how do you respond to that? >> first, politicians don't have a new form of entitlement. an entitlement to our votes. they have to earn our votes. right now voters are not happy with either hillary clinton or donald trump. in fact, they are the most disliked and untrusted candidates ever. a poll today just showed both of them are distrusted by the american public overwhelmingly, and at the same time the public is clamoring for more voices and more choices. that's what democracy is supposed to be about and that's what my campaign provides in this election. >> there you have it. jill stein, the green party candidate. >> thank you so much.
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>> thank you. >> have a great day. up next, donald trump set to reveal his big economic plan tomorrow. he says he'll create millions of jobs. how is he going to do it? maria bartiromo is here with a preview coming up next. >> here she is. come on in. allergies? stuffy nose? can't sleep? enough. take that. a breathe right nasal strip of course. imagine just put one on and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. so you can breathe, and sleep. better than a catnap. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field?
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may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and these feet would like to keep the beat going. ask your doctor about lyrica. tomorrow donald trump reveals his big economic plan. he claims it will create millions of new jobs for americans, so what can we expect? >> joining us now with a preview is the person at fox best situated to evaluate it, we believe. she's the host of "sunday morning future." maria bartiromo. what do you think of it? >> well, i think the biggest part of it is this 15% corporate tax rate which would be an enormous boost to business and hopefully you would expect that would enable them to hire more workers. so he's taking the -- he wants to take the corporate tax rate down from 35% to 15%. huge move. then the other big part -- >> would that include closing
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some loopholes because he's complained about that? >> for sure. when all is said and done for the highest earners, they wouldn't necessarily be paying that much lower tax. yes, the tax rate would be lower but because of the elimination of all of the loopholes, you wouldn't see this incredible tax benefit for the highest earners. >> in fairness -- there's a fairness argument. >> and the corporate side is really important because the economy as it's sort of moving at this really slow pace, 2%, businesses have been the issue. they're not investing in businesses, hiring new people because they are being strangled by regulation they say, whether it's obamacare, new regulations from the epa, dodd/frank. they want to roll that back so it's really a focus on business which is certainly impactful. >> america has had an energy renaissance in spite of barack obama over the last seven years. >> you're right. >> what would trump's plan do?
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>> he wants to tap into the energy resources of america. if you ask his advisers, they believe america can be the largest energy producer. based on the resources we have. that includes fracking and tapping into the resources here in america. being less reliant on overseas friends. so the blooirn ottom line is th to lower taxes, roll back regulation, and number three, tap into the energy opportunity in america which would be a big job creator. >> i was reading the list of all the other guests on all the other sunday shows and i was thinking not that interesting and then i saw your guest list. >> i have paul manafort, the campaign manager to the trump campaign. we're going to talk about his economic plan but i also want to get into the polls and think wh -- see what he thinks they say. we'll see how donald trump can right any ship -- this ship that seems to have been taken a backseat in the last weeks. we're talking to ed royce.
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i want to talk about this $400 million that went to iran. he, of course, chairman of the foreign affairs committee. we're going to talk about the iran payment and how easy would it be to roll the iran deal back? >> something that trump says he is going to do is roll back the deal with iran. the $400 million payment on the day that the hostages were released is casing master problems. >> yeah that's something that trump said that he would do. >> yeah, and obama is one o to have reasons that small businesses is holding the number of employees under 50. they don't want to higher 51 because when they do, they have to get the benefits. game on and it's knock er ball and it's taken over the plaza. you will see it next. we just made it an olympic sport. she is out there practicing now. ♪
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there. >> okay. so what's the ultimate -- is there a form. >> so last man standing is one game. >> we put you kids inside of the ball and let them hit each other. >> and then we have kids and then a couple of weeks ago and then going back up. >> and then it's wreck er ball coming up in a few minutes. stay with us. ♪
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